The Best Triceps Exercises for Women

Triceps Women
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Exercise Details (Triceps Workouts for Woman)

Body Part: Arms

Target Muscle:  Triceps

Category: Exercise for Women


For any woman, the back of the arms known as the triceps is a part of the body that is difficult to keep it toned, But with a few workout techniques, you’ll get in shape.

Similar to the hips and butts, fat builds up in the triceps, and nothing gets wrong for any woman than having flabby arms all over the body.

Since the muscles Help extend the arms through pushing and pulling, the majority of women don’t realize their importance until they start using the arms for any daily activities including pushing like a stroller or pulling a door. This muscle adds definition to the upper body, and is therefore essential to get rid for a bat’s wings.

If your Goal is to flaunt your arms, you have come to the right place as this piece of article discusses the best triceps exercises for women that can help in balancing the women biceps muscles and bring them confidence and grace.

Triceps muscle anatomy


Triceps Structure

The area of triceps muscle structure starts from the shoulder, going down from the back side of the arm to the elbow joint. It is composed of three main heads which are; The longest head, the medial head and the lateral head. This muscle responds to both extension and straightening of the elbow joints.

Triceps muscle animation wikipedia


Triceps Function

Regarding the functionality of the triceps muscle, it extends the forearm muscle at the elbow which means that it straightens the arm at the elbow joint. As an essential part of the body, the triceps muscle works in tandem with the biceps in such a way that when one muscle contracts, the other muscle is always elongated, allowing one to straighten and flex the elbow.

In the event that you intend to bend the elbow, the biceps contract while the triceps relaxes at the same time. This is the mechanism that synchronizes the movement between these two muscles.

Triceps muscle Function


Benefits of Women’s Triceps Workout

There are many benefits to triceps workouts at home, which target the upper body and focus on the main muscle of the arms. Here is a list of the main benefits:

  • Since the triceps acts as an elbow and shoulder extensor, exercising this muscle makes them stronger.
  • The exercise can help improve function, flexibility, as well as the range of motion of your arms. It is also useful in improving the movement and performance of the upper arm during activities.
  • It helps in improving blood circulation, relieves tension and thus improves joint movement within the body.
  • Improving blood circulation within the body, which generates an extra charger for the body that activates it to stay fit.


Safety Triceps Equipment 

Before starting your workout, it is recommended that you wear elbow bands and CrossFit Hand Grips to keep you safe from any muscle tissue damage during exercise.

Biceps-Safety-Grip HandBiceps-Safety-elbow Hand


How to Warm Up the Triceps Muscles?

Stretches and warm-ups are an important part of every muscle exercise. Based on the research, warm-ups will pump the target muscles. It is important to warm up by stretching the arm. The steps are as follows:

  • Arm stretches for Triceps:
    • Stand straight, raise your left hand and place it behind the back of your neck.
    • For extra support, using the palm of your right hand, place the elbows of your left hand over your head, then gently begin to apply more pressure with your right hand, Try to push the left arm down, by pulling it towards the right, this will make your left hand move down through your spine (as far as you can).
    • Pause for a second or two in this position.
    • Then switch to stretching with the other hand in the same steps. For each arm, hold for at least 15 seconds.

Arm stretches for Triceps

  • Arm stretches for Deltoids:
    • Stand with your body straight, raise your left hand by extending it into a cross over your chest.
    • For support use your right hand by wrapping it from the outside over your left hand in the left elbow position and gently pulling your left hand toward the chest, while keeping your left hand extended.
    • Continue the same steps by switching to the other arm, and repeat the same routine. For each arm, pause for at least 15 seconds.

Arm stretches for Triceps Deltoids


The Best Triceps Exercises for Women


1: Triceps Overhead Dumbbell Extension

 (Equipment: Dumbbells )

Triceps Extension Triceps for Women

This triceps workout for women is easy to perform at home with simple steps, also does not required sophisticated equipment only one dumbbell and is ready to go.

How to perform Triceps Extension?

  • Stand up straight, Place your feet shoulder width apart, let your stomach muscles engage, and relax your shoulder, then grab the Dumbbells with both hands (the dumbbells should weigh 10-12 pounds).
  • Second, raise your hand above your head and extend your arms so that your palms are facing the ceiling.
  • Next, lower your elbows by bending and move toward the bottom position from the back of your head until the bottom of the dumbbells are at the level of your back shoulders.
  • Breath out and let your arms return back to the position you started in.
  • Continue to perform the next two sets (up to 10 reps per set).

2: Triceps Push Down

 (Equipment: Cable Pulley, Rope attachment)

Triceps pushdown for woemn

How to Perform Triceps Push Down?

  • At the top of the cable machine shaft, tie the attached rope.
  • Turn your face toward the cable pulley and stand about a step away from it. Now freeze both of your feet in this position.
  • With a neutral grip on the rope, place your hands directly on the rope, with your arms extended. Without making any changes to the angle of your wrist, This step is basically the starting point.
  • Breathe in, Begin forcefully to pull the rope down to the sides of your body, while contracting your triceps muscles. Make sure your elbows stay close to the sides of your body.
  • Breath out. Now using your triceps, release the rope by allowing the rope to come up close to your chest to the starting position. Be sure to stop your hands when the rope reaches the chest.
  • Continue perform it (at least 12 repetitions).

If your planning to train biceps, triceps and even lower body muscles with one machine, your best choice is a wall-mounted cable pulley for a small home gym, this all-in-one equipment option.

3: Triceps Dips Chair

(EquipmentChair or a Bench

Triceps Dip for Women

How to Perform Triceps Dips Chair?

  • Stand with your back on a chair or bench. Now lower your body and grab the chair/exercise bench edges with your hands from behind. While doing this, make sure your palms are facing forward and your legs are in an extended position.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and leave your body supported by your heels.
  • Then start lowering your body towards the floor, keeping your back straight until the elbow is at a 90-degree angle (be sure to keep your elbows parallel to each other during the movement).
  • Then, return to the starting position.
  • Keep doing the next 3 sets (up to 4 reps per set).

Note: for more details of Triceps Dips at home and their benefits and alternatives.

4: Ball Push ups

 (Equipment: Medicine Ball )

Ball Push ups Triceps Women

This is a challenging exercise to balance your body weight, which will test the coordination of the upper and lower muscles to work together to perform one exercise.

How to perform Ball Push ups?

  • Place the medicine ball in front of you.
  • Sit on the floor on your knees and your shins parallel to floor. In addition, put the ball in front of you.
  • Hold the top of the ball while you slowly lie your upper body toward the ball by holding it with your palms on the ball and your fingers pointing outward. Make sure the palms are closer together while the arms are in an extended position.
  • Let your legs rest straight and stretch accordingly. By bending your toes on the floor and carry your body above the ground to support your lower body.
  • Now gently lower your chest to allow them to touch the ball by slowly moving down.
  • Then use your strength to return to the starting position.
  • Continue to perform the next two sets (up to 10 reps per set).

5: Skull Crusher

(EquipmentWorkout Bench and Barbell)

Skull crusher for Triceps Women

How to perform Skull Crusher?

  • Place the bench behind your back in an vertical position.
  • Now lie on the workout bench with your back straight and let your feet rest on the floor on either side of the bench.
  • Hold the bar with both hands on overhand grip, at the shoulder width apart.
  • Now extend your arms and hold the barbell to be directly in front of your chest, this will be your starting point.
  • Breathe in while keeping your lower arm straight. Now, bend your elbow toward your forehead at a 90 degree angle so that the barbell remains above your head.
  • Breath out. Now use the triceps and extend your elbows to be straight where you started. after doing this, make sure that your elbows, shoulders, and wrists are in parallel lines.
  • Keep doing 15 repetitions.


Get beautiful toned arms, and start wearing sleeveless dresses with higher confidence!

You can also increase your muscles by adding the popular Tricep Dumbbell Workout to your schedule, this addition will add great value to your arm. Also in this article, I cover how to avoid common mistakes behaviors that arise among lifters.

I hope the triceps workout was helpful to you, if you have any questions, or want to leave your personal feedback, please send your comment below. I would love to help you.


The triceps workout is a great routine for strengthening the arms, but to get the shape of fully toned arms, you need to work on your Biceps Exercises for Women to balance the shape of the arms, from the other side.