What is Glute Bridges? The Benefits & Variations

what is glute bridges
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When you do an exercise, the first thing that comes to mind is “Am I doing it right?” There are good reasons for this particular thinking. In our workout today that targets the gluteal muscles, even the slightest tweaks can make a huge difference in targeting the part of the body you want, so the question arises, What are Glute Bridges?

So what are glute bridges, what are their benefits and the muscles that work? The glute bridge is a simple but valuable workout that focuses mainly on toning the glute muscles, as well as strengthening the lower back, hamstrings, knees, stretching the hips and improving the posture and back alignment, recommended for people who work for hours sitting in a chair.

If you are looking for the right way to do gluteal bridges, you have stumbled upon the correct steps and sequence. In this article we will tell you what gluten bridges are. Its variations and benefits. So, let’s get started, without a further due.


What is Glute Bridges?

The Glute Bridge workout is without a doubt one of the best exercises for strengthening the back. This exercise is specifically designed to target the glutes and hamstrings.

It is a very effective lower body exercise that aims to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, core muscles, hip muscles and lower back muscles which ultimately makes you have a very strong and stabilize spinal cord.

Doing gluteal bridges will not only give you more core strength, but you will also end up with a very toned and firm back.

The Glute bridge will help improve your performance in the daily routine and is an excellent exercise for people who work hours sitting in a chair. It is known that this exercise targets the erector spine, which is very important to improve a back posture while sitting.

This means that glute bridges will enable you to sit for hours confident in proper torso posture and at the same time, will ensure that your back is in good shape while strengthening your glute muscles. It is one of the best exercises to help prevent injuries by strengthening your knees and ankles.

As a result, your stiff knees and ankles will protect your body in injury-prone situations in a much better way.

How to perform Glute Bridges?

By now you should know what is glute bridges exercise. Now, let’s look at how to perform the steps of this exercise.

  1. Lie on a thick Mat on your back, face up, knees hip-width apart and your feet flat on a mat under your body. Keep your arms parallel at your sides with palms down on floor. This is the starting position.
  2. Lift your hips off the mat by engaging the core of your body and squeezing your butt muscles so your hips, knees, and shoulders are all inclined to be in a straight line. Keep your butt muscles squeezed.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds before returning body down to floor in the initial position. Make sure you don’t get any help from your heels. All the power should come from the hips only.
  4. Repeat these steps as many times as desired.

Glute Bridge Muscles Worked

In short, the worked muscles and parts of the body that act on and are connected with, during the exercise of the glute bridges are:

Glute Bridges Variations

A. Single-leg Glute Bridge

Single-leg Glute Bridge

In this variation, you need to lie on your back on a Mat and bend your knees just as you would a simple gluteal bridge.

Now raise one of your legs so that they extend straight. Then squeeze the glutes and use the hips to raise your middle body until the hips, extended leg and shoulders inclined into a straight line.

B. Medicine Ball Glute Bridge

Medicine Ball Glute Bridge

We suggest making this variation on a mat, for added comfort to your back.

Begin by placing your feet on the medicine ball and raising your hips by working on balancing the core while squeezing the glutes.

In this position, your body will be based on the upper back and shoulders, keep your arms extended to the sides to ensure the balance of the body.

Stay elevated for a few seconds and slowly return to the initial position without letting your hips touch the floor as it will take the tension away from the target muscles.

C. Glute Bridge with Dumbbells

Glute Bridge with Dumbbells

Dumbbells glute bridges are a much better way to target and strengthen your glutes.

Once you feel comfortable doing the usual glute bridges, you can always add your weight to the exercise.

This can be done by placing the dumbbells on your lap, holding the two side ends with both hands, then continuing the usual glute bridge work but this time, with the dumbbells on your lap.

D. Banded Glute Bridge

Banded Glute Bridge

The idea here is to add more challenge while exercising the regular gluteal bridge.

Take a yoga loop bands and place it in such a way that it is wrapped around your stomach and both hands are holding each end of it on the floor.

Now perform the bridge as lying on a mat as you would a regular Glute bridge, but this time the bands will give you more resistance, and your hips will have to work a bit more to lift your hips.


Glute Bridges Benefits

Improves Posture

When you work your lower back and buttock muscles, you’ll automatically end up in a better position.

The reason is that these muscles are meant to keep your body straight, and when you target these muscles, they will become strong, and you will be able to maintain an upright posture.

Strengthens Your Core

Your ability to achieve a stronger core depends on how stable your spine is. You may do all the exercises in the world like crunches, sit up, etc. but if you do not have a stable spine, you will not have a stronger core.

Glute Bridges also works to help lose belly fat and achieve that six-pack abs that everyone dreams of.

Helps with Lower-Back Pain

In addition to the glutes, bridges work with the hamstrings and lower back. Therefore, if you suffer from lower back pain, try performing gluteal bridges.

The best thing about glute bridges is that they don’t put any pressure on the lower back and are an excellent alternative for people who are unable to squat due to back, hip or knee pain.

Helps You in Sprinting Faster and Jumping Higher

Since gluteal bridges strengthen the muscles of the hips muscles and calf muscles, they are really useful in enabling you to run faster and jump higher.

Strength and speed always come from the glutes. Therefore, if you want to run faster, you need to give gluteal bridges workout a chance.


Additional Exercise tools to shape the toned Glutes

1. Butt Trainer Exercise Tool

Helps you accelerate toned buttock, easy to use with effective result. (Great sales opportunity while practice at home, click here for more info)

Butt Trainer Workout

2. Sunny Assistant Trainer

If you are interested in toning and strengthening your butt muscles and end up with well-shaped buttocks, then you can directly start using the training assistant machine from Sunny, which will provide you with a great result in no time and also give you a sensational exciting time during exercise.

Sunny Squats Trainer is a modern device that can be used not only for Glutes, but for strengthen multiple muscle, and the Glutes are one of these target muscles. It is very easy to perform and practice with it.

How to perform?

After installing the device, just ride on it, like a bike, then grab the front handlebar, start pushing your legs on the pedals, then automatically the device, will lead you to the correct positions for the movement that will strengthen you muscles.

For more details about the device, simply click on the Sunny Squats Trainer if you are interested.


If you have any questions about what are glute bridges, we hope that your questions will be answered.

It is without a doubt one of the best exercises that you can do anytime and anywhere. Your spine plays a vital role in your movement, and gluteal bridges are the best way to strengthen it. Glute bridges work on the core and provide the necessary stretch your body needs.

You can perform an additional isolation exercise for the gluteus and hamstring routine with the Glute Kickback.

If you are all tensed by sitting in a chair all day and feeling back pain, then this exercise will help you to get rid of all the tension that arose during your work. Since there are so many benefits, this exercise is definitely worth a try.