How to Motivate Yourself for Workout | Effective Tips

How to Motivate Yourself for Workout

Before we delve into the main topic of people looking to boost their fitness with different ways how to motivate yourself to workout? Let’s start, by clearing up a few things about exercising and getting fit.

You have every right in the world to gain extra pounds and be weak and powerless. You have the right to accumulate fat around your abdomen or hips, to feel sore and tired every time you try to move and gasp within two minutes of increasing your pace.

Moreover, you have the right to suffer from heart and lung disease or atherosclerosis. Right to sadness, depression, anger and stress. You also have the right to stay home to look in the mirror and say, “I can really do a little exercise” and after that, do nothing about it.

The right to suffer from joint problems, weak bones, chronic back pain, stiffness, weakness and lack of muscle tone, also to complain that you wanted to change all this and didn’t know how to do it.

But, from now on, when you move on to the next paragraph, you will lose your right to waive yourself. Then you will see how you will really get the motivational fitness advice for exercise, without any excuses.


Why find Motivation such an issue?

During our life we suggest several times to start a training plan. Signing up for a gym or buying new running shoes are the most popular strategies for getting fit. However, after the first few days, the drive for novelty disappears, and very few people make sports a habit.

Several factors keep us away from our goal, not just the lack of motivation itself. Finding and overcoming these weaknesses and motivating ourselves will not only allow us to start exercising, but will also help us establish them as an indispensable part of our lives.

Causes Of Abandonment

An active routine takes time and determination. The process of introducing our body to a new habit and adapting it to our daily life involves going through several phases, in which constancy is essential; But it does come with challenges. It is these challenges that lead many people to give up exercising.

“I don’t have time,” “I don’t feel like it,” or “I have other things to do” are not valid excuses, even if you think so. If you don’t have time now to take care of your health, you will be using more time to deal with your illnesses and the effects of a sedentary lifestyle in the years to come.

One of the most important things about exercise is to love what you do. We know the benefits exercise brings us, so you have every reason to appreciate it. Despite the fact that not everyone likes the same type of sport.

So, while some prefer to join the gym, others prefer to go for a walk or simply gain more time by working out at home. Any exercise is right as long as we move the body and start loving the exercise what’s good for us.

How to Motivate Yourself for Workout ?

Below 8 important phases and levels that will easily motivate you to perform and follow any workout.

1) Write a list of Achievable Goals and check them Frequently

Think about your reasons for wanting to exercise and some of your fitness goals. Put the list in a visible place or a place you often visit indoors, for example, on the refrigerator or near the bathroom mirror.

Try to include short and long-term goals in the list. For example, you could write “Perform 50 trunk raises” and “Complete a short marathon.” While setting physical goals, not all of your exercise goals should focus on your physical appearance.

If you only exercise because you want to look like a model, you will end up discouraged.

2) Start with Short Exercises that you are more likely to Complete

Don’t force yourself to exercise for an hour the first time you start training. Instead, start with small, manageable goals and finish them, such as 10 scissors and 10 chest push-ups.

As you become more comfortable with the routine, increase the difficulty, increasing the number of repetitions, eg 15 scissors and 15 chest push-ups, with 10 squats.

The most important also is consistency with the exercises and continuing to perform them, so avoid starting with heavy exercises and difficult goals, otherwise you will soon begin to give up, and quickly abandon on your goals.

3) Replace the word “I must” with the “I want.”

If you tell yourself that you “you must” or “you have to” do something, it will be difficult for you to start, and you feel like you don’t want to do it but are obligated to do it. Instead, check the list of goals and remember why you want to exercise, and use the word “I want to” because this indicates that you are doing the thing because you want it and like to do, not it is imposed on you.

For example, if you think “I should go running at this time, but I don’t want to,” try reminding yourself of a goal like “I want to feel strong and more confident, and running today will allow me to achieve that.”

4) Buy Yourself New Exercise Equipment

If you only have one pair of gym shorts or yoga pants, it’s easy to get discouraged from exercising when you don’t wash them or switch to other sportswear every once in a while. Try to buy some sportswear that impresses you, so you have an excuse to wear them when you go to exercise, and keep the enthusiasm going.

Since exercise equipment can be expensive, don’t try to buy it all at once if you don’t have the extra money. Only buy one or two outfits whenever you can and stay tuned for offers.

Place the exercise equipment on a chair or table so that it is visible to you. This way you will always have the idea of exercise on your mind.

You can also purchase smart equipment that makes you excited and engaged such as, the Garmin Vivoactive 3 smart sport watch, which allows you to monitor your daily workouts, pre-installed different programs such as running, swimming, climbing, etc., and know your daily or monthly progress, and you can also participate with the Garmin community to practice of any group exercises, And participate from the different sports challenges available for free within these groups, and from the person who achieves the best results in each game.

5) Find Exercises that you Think are Fun

Many people think of activities like running or weightlifting when talking about exercise, but as long as you stay active, you’ll become a healthier person. Find an activity that you love most (such as rock climbing, swimming, or dancing) and turn it into an exercise.

Even a short dance party in your room twice a day will help you be in better shape. Other examples of recreational activities include tai chi, Zumba, parkour, or even joining an amateur sports team.

6) Reward Yourself when you Complete a Workout or Achieve a New Goal

Think of something that will motivate you when exercise becomes difficult or when you don’t feel like getting off the couch.

Rewards can be anything you want to enjoy, from drinking a milkshake or watching your favorite series when you finish your workout to buying a new pair of shoes you saw in the store.

7) Find an Exercise Partner if you like to have someone to hold you Accountable

While some people prefer to exercise alone, having a friend who helps you stay on track can give you the motivation you’re looking for. They may both plan to exercise together or talk at the end of each day and discuss whether they have achieved their goals.

Talking to a friend is helpful in identifying obstacles that prevent you from exercising. The need to explain why you didn’t go to the gym will force you to think about the underlying reason, either because of insecurity, stress, or feeling overwhelmed.

A group exercise class can be an excellent place to find a support group that motivates you to exercise.

You can search online through social networks and you are very likely to have the perfect group of people who match your interests and start training together.

8) Make a Music playlist that Encourages you to Move and Workout

Music with a tempo of 125 to 140 beats per minute has been shown to be the most effective for exercise. Choose fast-paced music with a strong tempo that encourages you to move around with enthusiasm during your workout.

Some of the songs with 140 beats per minute are “Womanizer” by Britney Spears, “Beat It” by Michael Jackson, “Mr. Jones” by Counting Crows and “OMG” by Usher. Start listening to your playlist while you’re getting dressed to get into the right mood before your workout, and you’ll surely make it work.


Now let’s start with the practical application on the ground.

In order to help you and get your daily workout motivation easily, below I summarize in a short table these motivation topics; You can print it out, which will remain with you during your exercise journey:

Motivation Comments
Mention a list of achievable fitness goals and check them frequently
Start with short easy exercises that possible to complete
Replace the word “I must” with “I want”
Buy yourself new workout equipment
Find workout activity that you think is fun
Reward yourself when you achieve a new goal or complete a workout
Find a similar workout partner that encourages you
Make a music playlist that encourages you to move and workout