Strength Training Over 40 for Male

40 Strong training

Strength Training Over 40 for Men, to Build Bulletproof Strength, Boost Your Energy, And Halt The Aging Process To Stay Looking Lean And
Youthful Into Your 40s… And Beyond!

40 strong body


Why Men’s Been Misled About Getting Stronger After 40… And What To Do About It

Everything we’ve been told about turning 40 is wrong.

Here’s what we’re told:

1# You Naturally put on weight as you get older… WRONG!

In fact, of any other challenge, this is the simplest to combat.

There are four factors which contribute to middle age weight gain: slowing metabolism, lower testosterone, poor diet and lack of exercise.

Look at that list. Two of the four factors are completely within our control.

It’s time to stop blaming those expanding love handles on getting older. It’s just an excuse.

All you need to do is make the right food choices and take care with what you eat. That tiny change alone will stop the onset of weight gain.

But when it comes to strength, here’s another myth to bust…


2# As you get older, you naturally get weaker… WRONG!

I’ll show how wrong this is…

Research from the University of Oklahoma found that over an eight-week period a group of middle-aged guys (35-50) succeeded losing body fat and building muscle.

That’s not all…

Compared with a group of college-aged guys over the same period, the older guys lost MORE body fat and gained MORE muscle.

So, let me say this again:

None of this is inevitable.

Yes, you’re susceptible… but it doesn’t have to be your future.

Getting older isn’t the problem.

(And any guy who blames age for their performance is making excuses.)

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What is 40 Strong?

40 Strong gives you a step-by-step blueprint to transform how you body look and feel. In just 60 days, you can look at yourself in the mirror again and know you’re back to your best, The program have been started, when Coach Brian design this program he knew exactly what we wanted.

Developed a Strength Training Over 40 for Male program that fits around your schedule. A program that allows you to live, work and play without interrupting family time.

It is laid out and breaks down each day’s exercise in simple, straightforward language. Through the training you can also enter your own details and track your progress over the 60 days.

40 Strong is based on proven science. Focuses on big movements to make you stronger. The program advocates big movements to develop a strong, iron-core. This will forge the foundation of a powerful body.

It is sold as a concise manual. It is designed to be worked through carefully to maximize your chances of success.

40 Strong Training:

  • Daily Workouts.
  • Different body weight exercises and functional strength.
  • A System to Track your progress.
  • Exercises Plan based on Proven Science.
  • Develop a strong, iron-core.
  • Suitable for 40’s Age and Beyond.
  • Free for 14 Days.
  • 60 Days Money Back Guaranty.

In 40 Strong Program, You’ll Discover

Start Discover

  • The exact steps to recapture the exercise habit that will propel you into your best condition yet.
  • Why it’s beneficial to your physical and emotional well being to replace exercise with ‘experiences’.
  • a Program to Balance Your Time. How to use (family time) to hit your strength goals and spend quality time with your kids. (Yes, it IS possible to balance work, family and health… 40 Strong shows you how).
  • Specify the right Foods to eat at the right time to flip your body’s natural fat-burning switch.
  • Why skipping a meal may be a great option for short-term weight loss. You will see how.
  • The one piece of fish, one piece of meat and one vegetable you NEED to be eating now to reinforce your strength gains.
  • Why lack of exercise is the silent killer (and how to feed more exercises into your daily workout routine).
  • And Mush More …


Meet Your Trainer

Brian Klepacki has over 15 years of experience and education in the fitness and athletic world. He holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and holds numerous highly recognized certifications that have set his expertise and training above most others.

Brian has learned that in order for you to achieve your max performance, a multitude of training regimes must be implemented to stimulate all systems of the body.

Brian currently resides in St. Petersburg, FL with his wife and their two boys. He is the Owner of Optimax.

Trainer Brian Klepacki

(2) Bonuses you’ll Receive, Plus order Today




The 40 Strong program will revolutionize how you think about strength.

Over the 60 Day period, there will be times when you may need extra support as you aim for a strong, powerful body.

When you buy 40 Strong you’ll enjoy 14 days free access to The Vault. Here, you’ll get direct access to myself and our team of experts. You’ll gain instant access to a private Facebook group, workout videos and expert coaching calls. A monthly workout is designed to help you stay on-track.



Flexible Dieting

Building a body that will turn heads and gain respect requires exercise and solid nutrition.

But with 101 different “diets” out there and massive confusion, what’s going to get results today AND continue to work over time?

You’ve probably seen or heard the term “if it fits your macros” (IIFYM) in social media, blogs or even at the gym.

What this means is you can essentially eat whatever foods you like as long you meet your macro (macronutrient) requirements. Macros refer to proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

With Flexible Dieting you can finally enjoy your favorite foods while still achieving the results you want.

In this book, you will discover the most essential parts of the diet such as calculating your macros, losing fat, gaining muscle, and how to modify your eating habits in order to make this way of eating a sustainable lifestyle.

It’s time to look, feel, and perform your best and become the envy of all your friends.

Here Are Some Guys Who Have
Become 40 Strong

Feel More Manly

“40 Strong is much more than a complete guide to getting a fit, strong body for guys over 40- it is a guide to living as a man should live. Do what it says and you will be shocked by how great you will look, feel and perform in very little time.”


Bruce Krahn
Author Trouble Spot Fat Loss


New Muscle Building Tricks for Experienced Lifters

“At age 57 with over 40 years of in-the-gym experience, I’m always interested–and critical–of strength/bodybuilding programs for the older set.

That said, Brian Klepacki’s 40 Strong is one rock-solid menu of real muscle-and-strength sustenance.

The workouts are excellent, and the weekly layout is right on the money for most guys moving into middle age. In fact, I was surprised to see that the workout schedule is very similar to what I’ve found works for me at this point in my life–and this book has even taught this old dog some new muscle-building tricks.”


Steve Holman
Former Editor in Chief, Iron Man Magazine
Co-creator Old School New Body


Feel Like An Athlete Again

“Frankly I was tired of feeling one dimensional. I’ve always lifted weights and done some running. In doing that I maintained a decent level of muscular strength but my lack of mobility and loss of athleticism was really bugging me.

That is precisely why the 40 Strong concept made perfect sense to me. It brings together everything I love about exercise and feeling strong and youthful.

I’ve been test driving this program with Coach Chris for months now and feel so much better with more energy, mobility and functional strength.”

mike w

Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC



Burn Unwanted Fat & Have More Energy

“Getting older has its drawbacks…you’re slower, less energetic and typically the weight gain seems to come much faster and easier than ever before. But oddly enough, ALL of those things are within your control to change and that’s what makes this program so complete and so kick-ass.

The 40 Strong program actually attacks all three issues that are so common with guys cracking the 40 mark. We need to move the body more like we did as kids. In doing that more often, we are going to impact our energy levels and that directly ties into our ability to burn unwanted fat. The domino effect created by the 40 Strong program is amazing!”


Dan Long
Kill Mode Training Company
Suspension Training Expert


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(You Have nothing to Loss, Except your Health)

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